How To Have 16-Hour Energy

16-hour energy is just what it sounds like—sustained energy from the moment you wake up until you go to bed. 

Here's a strategy to get you there:


Here’s the deal—you want to feel like a powerhouse tomorrow? You’ve got to start prepping today.

That means:

  • No coffee after 12 PM—unless you want to lie in bed staring at the ceiling, questioning your life choices.

  • Alcohol after 6 PM? Don’t do it. Keep it to zero if you really want to feel good tomorrow.

  • Stop eating by 8 PM—your digestive system needs sleep too.

  • Shut down the screens by 9 PM. Yes, that includes the TV in your bedroom.

  • And man, it really helps to be in bed by 10 PM.

Here’s a bonus: If you’re waking up to pee multiple times a night, cut off all fluids after 7 PM. Yes, that means even water.

Let’s get you one solid night of rest, and tomorrow’s energy levels will be off to a good start.


Start with a glass of water before you get your caffeine fix. Your body’s basically a dried-out sponge after a night with no fluids—rehydrate it first thing.

Next, get outside and soak up some morning light. This will set the internal clock that decides when you’ll start feeling sleepy later. It’s like hitting the "on" button for your 16-hour energy timer. In the winter, I use a chicken brooding lamp attached to my treadmill desk. It’s warm, bright, and looks ridiculous, but if it’s good enough for the chickens, it’s good enough for me.

Walk—morning, afternoon, after dinner. The more you move, the more your energy will go from "meh" to "let's get it done."

Lastly, aim for at least 30 grams of protein per meal. This is the minimum needed to help prevent blood sugar spikes and crashes, which has been a game-changer in my life.

Further Assessment

Even with all of this dialed, you might still feel like you’re dragging. That means it’s time for more detective work:

  • Waking-up sluggish, despite 8 hours of sleep? Check your AM cortisol, or go for the full 24-hour salivary cortisol test.

  • Feeling the dreaded 10 AM or 3 PM energy crash? Get your HbA1c, fasting glucose, and fasting insulin checked.

  • Just feeling wiped-out all the time? It's time to check your thyroid and get a full testosterone panel.

These tests will give you the roadmap to tweak your diet, sleep routine, exercise timing, and supplements.

Now, some guys will say, "I know I can’t feel like I did when I was 20..." Well, guess what? You can get pretty darn close—if you just take that first step. 

And that means starting today.


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